After years of failing relationships, I've joyfully created an intimate living and love life that is complimentary and enjoyable to me. I’ve built a very successful personal training business called Enerjoy Fitness, and I was even able to open my own fitness studio two years ago. This is something I know I would not have had the strength to do without People Unlimited. Since I've been with People Unlimited all aspects of my life have improved dramatically. It is so empowering and life-giving to be surrounded by people who really don't want you to be suppressed in any way.
I lived in Israel until the age of 30. I had a good life till then, but as I matured, I felt something missing in my life. This was true, even though I experienced a lot of success, including being the Aerobics Champion of Israel. At age 27, when I met Charles Brown, Bernadeane and Jim Strole in an event on physical immortality, I realized that they were the component I was missing. I knew they were forming the environment of people that would allow me to be free to be who I really am: a physically immortal person.
I realized I was not born to die, but needed the support of human beings in order to thrive and renew myself without end in a life that did not include death. So I moved to Scottsdale AZ to participate in People Unlimited -- my life has been transforming ever since. Now I experience a freedom of living and expression I could never imagine was possible. Even in difficult times, I’ve managed to move through them quickly and come out better because I have people around me who really want me to succeed and have my heart’s desires.
Being in this environment has brought me closer to people and I’ve developed the capacity to relate to many different kinds of people. All my relationships with my family members have improved and I'm able to be around them with total ease. My health has never been better. Wow, what a great way to live!