People Unlimited Age Reversal Life Extension

Improvements in cognition, sleep, energy, joint health, allergies and more being realized.   

Rod Csikany, of Beyond Organic, has been coaching some People Unlimited members with the goal of achieving a minimum of 5 year’s age reversal over a 6-month period. Lab tests were conducted at the start to establish biomarker baselines for comparison. The final results will be presented at RAADfest 2017 in San Diego.

The group is now 3+ months into the Age Reversal Challenge, and seeing some great results. Those results are ranging from increased cognition, improved sleep quality and skin tone, hair re-growth, increased energy, reduced allergies and digestive problems, lower stress levels, no more joint aches and overall sense of well-being. One participant has even been able to discontinue use of one of their pharmaceutical drugs.

Each individual, as part of this age reversal challenge, has made some huge changes and amendments to their health regime on their own personalized plan. These have included targeted nutrition based on DNA testing, allergy treatments, specifically with the Bax 3000 machine, whole body cleanse (colon, liver and gallbladder) and vitamin IV treatments. One participant has also identified a sulfur sensitivity for which they have commenced a low sulfur protocol for diet and supplementation.

This is an independent program that members are participating in based on their own personal preference. People Unlimited strongly encourages its members to pursue optimum health. However, it does not endorse or promote any specific product, modality or program.

Directed by James Strole and Bernadeane, People Unlimited is an educational, lifestyle and social organization for people interested in radical life extension and physical immortality. For more information on People Unlimited events and initiatives, go to or call 480-949-4344.

