Like Lorna and Ana, I met Bernie, Jim and Chuck on there travels to find people like us. I will never forget the first time I met them in London, England, it was a dream come true for me. I was heavily into spiritual immortality back then but I had been hearing and reading about the idea of "taking your body with you to other dimensions". When I heard the sound of physical immortality I knew it was me. I went through some challenges integrating back into my body, being a lone identity and hiding out in the family for a couple of years. But once the physical immortality is touched at the cellular level in your body it never really lets go of you. Moving to Scottsdale was the best decision I could have made for my life. With genuine encouragement, I have dropped my defences and step continuously into a new, unlimited me - healthier everyday. If you have a cry in your body that you "just want to live - no matter what" and a hunger to be with people who are real, then physical immortality is for you. I can't be in NY, Philly or DC this trip as I am currently in school but I encourage you to see Bernie and Jim at the expo or at the events. You will not regret it. Hey whats the worst it can do - confirm that you want to die? For those of you we get it "You Don't Have To Die" - then come visit us in Scottsdale. We need more of our kind - a new species - physically immortal humans.


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