Our mission is to inspire and educate people to take charge of their longevity to maximize their full potential for unlimited health and vitality.
How we do it
Tap into the innate spirit of aliveness that is your true inheritance.
Learn the latest longevity science as well as practical strategies for enhancing your health and wellbeing.
Connect with a community of like-minded people who share your passion for living.
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online or in-person
The Gospel
of Longevity
There’s nothing more exciting than celebrating the miracles of the human body and of the new science of staying alive. We bring together the science of longevity and the spirit of aliveness to form what we call The Gospel of Longevity. When we see it, we can be it. Together.

Marie Claire
RTS Radio Télevision Suisse
FastCompany • BBC • Marie Claire • CBS • TheGuardian • RTS Radio Télevision Suisse • PressaDiretta •
Read our Book
“As a scientist studying the biology of aging, I have no shortage of passion for the anti-aging crusade, but I often struggle to communicate its profundity and urgency to non-scientists. That’s why we need people like Jim and Bernie and books like this!”
This fascinating book is both a highly personal memoir, and a powerful immortality manifesto. In their own outspoken and intense manner, these anti-death activists and pioneers of ageless living share their profound experiences and inspiring vision for an unlimited future.